Dead Pixels Test and Fix

by Jumbo Planet



StuckPixelTool is able to find and fix many kinds of display problems, such as stuck, defective or broken pixelsSteps to use the Dead Pixel Detect and Fix them.1. Check dead pixels:- There are two ways you can detect the broken pixels on the screen.I. Random color:- In this option, random colors are displayed one by one on the touchscreen which helps detect the pixels having issues, This automated method is easy to use and swiftly detects the dead pixels on the screen.II. Choose color:- In the second option, you need to manually select the color from the color wheel for dead pixel detection, You can drag the circle on the color wheel and the phone screen background will change accordingly. Tap on the margins to remove the color wheel and view the whole screen.2. Fix dead pixels:- You get two fixing options in the Screen Dead pixels Repair app.I. Fix one by one:- It automatically scans one by one pixel for dead OR broken ones and fixes it.- Once the scan and repair process is completed successfully, It is necessary to restart the device for the best results.II. Fix full screen: - In this touch screen dead pixels test you have two options, the first is custom area selection and the second is full screen. You can select the desired option and continue, This process generates random high color pixels on the screen which automatically fixes the dead pixels.Important Notes:- Use this process for at least 15 minutes for the best results.- For the safety of your eyes, It is not recommended to look at the screen while this process is running.- This process uses more power than usual, so make sure to have a good battery percentage before starting the process.Main Features✓ Test with solid color by Auto or Manual Mode✓ Fix with solid color /Pattern✓ Auto method used to filling the display by different random color happening at particular intervals of time for visual detection of Dead Pixels.✓ Double click to cancel the auto modeHope you like this application. Download Now.Thank You!